Change The Number Of Posts Per Page In WordPress

How To Change The Number of Posts Per Page In WordPress?

It’s always recommended to reduce the page loading time of your blog and improve the user’s experience.

It can be done by changing the default number of posts to be displayed on each page of your WordPress website.

When you first install WordPress then it has the default settings where 10 posts will showing on each page. And it’s not a good idea to keep the number for long.

Haven’t you ever thought to change the number of posts per page in WordPress?

Well, here is the guide for you.

Use Your WordPress Settings To Accomplish This Task.

You just have to login to your admin panel and go to Settings>>Reading.

There are many settings including the number of posts showing in the RSS feed and whether you have selected the blog page as your home page or you have selected any special template.

But here, you have to check “Blog Pages Show At Most“. And you have to fill the number of posts you want to display on each archive page of your website.

If you’re showing the excerpt then 5 or 6 would be great.

Just fill the number and save the settings.

It would help your website to get loaded faster. The less is the page size, good is the page loading time.

Most of the WordPress themes have the inbuilt feature to show an excerpt for each post but if you don’t have such theme then you can add excerpt in WordPress theme manually.

How Many Number of Posts You Would Like To Show?

Though it’s the matter of choice but still, as I have mentioned above, keep it minimum as possible.

It depends on the type of website you have. Many websites are showing 10 posts per page. It’s because they have the faster resources.

But here, if you want to change the number of posts per page in WordPress then follow the guide and improve the speed of your website.

by Ravi Chahar

A WordPress Professional and the LinkedIn Influencer. A coder by passion and a blogger by choice. WordPress theme development is his forte. He is your WordPress guy who will teach you how to solve WordPress errors, WordPress security issues, design issues and what not.

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